wii doe sent qualify to be in this question because you cant realy do anything with it except play mario games
ok i had the same question 1 year ago. i wanted a console that fitted my needs... i needed one that can play online had good hard drive and was useful. the information i give you is all research that i have done by watching comparisons, forums, and friendly advice.
i too also had a ps1 & ps2 but i was willing to switch to xbox because it was more popular.
xbox key features:
online(60 a year)
'250 hard drive
720p resolution
and all the other stuff
ps3 key features
blue ray
internet browser
3d gaming
true 1080p
and same other sdint
games dont really matter unless you got one game in mind:
gears of war
left for dead
and more
little big planet
god of war
metal gear solid
ratchet clank
and more
these games are the only that appeal to me.
ps3 games are more detailed in graphics than xbox games because of the blue ray so it has more resolution
both controlers are the same none controllers are **** ps3 controlers are rechargable through regular usb cords that are found on cameras and phones.
you might not need or care about the resolution that they have but later you might want to buy a tuse fullt comes usefull.
bottom line if you add up the numbers ps3 comes in a bundle for just 300 dollars
xbox is 200 but adding the 60 dollars a year the batteries a year and blue ray it would be 450
so ps3 is the winner for me IM NOT A FANBOY I ONLY USE FACTS AND MY OPINIONS kinnect doesent matter your a healthy 13 year old and has all the exercise it need and PlayStation move is a copied version of the wii but it is the best for 1st person shooters.
if i dont make sence is because i tried to fix by spell check and failed