i've been to cedar point every summer for the past 2 summers but i've only rode 10 rides, i dont really know which ride is the best but i'll give you little "reviews" of the rides i've been on:
blue streak - really stupid and a waste of time standing in line cause it just goes up and down little hills
gemini - really fun to see who wins the race
wild cat - again pretty stupid, i think its made for younger kids than me (im 14) but we had to go on it since my "riding buddy" was my 9 year old nephew
iron dragon - it was alright but its one of the "dont want anything really fast or upside down ones"
corkscrew - my sister lied and thats the only reason i rode it when we first went i said "im not going on anything that goes upside down" so when we were waiting in line i asked her if it went upside down she said "nope" but it does after, all it is called "corkscrew"
disaster transport - really cool indoor rollarcoaster and its pitch black the whole ride, really cool when you wait to ride it till its dark outside
cedar creek mine ride - its was alright but not worth the 2 hours of waiting in line
witches wheel - it was alright, just dont ride it back to back
super himalaya - just a spining ride
thunder canyon - a cool water ride that goes through rapids and under lots of little waterfalls dont go on it and expect not to get wet, the raft thing gets full of water